So, I like saving a buck. I also enjoy high quality coffee. Luckily, Wichita is a blue collar working class town. We’re the home of Boeing, Cessna, Spirit, Hawker Beach Craft, and probably other ones. But the days of settling for your daddy’s Folgers are down. We demand good coffee. And the Reverie’s locally roasted coffee is definitely not Folgers. It’s great coffee. But, the price of the stuff at the shop is not great. That’s why I like to get it at these other places. Here are my favorites:
#1: The Donut Whole
God I love this place. All of their donut flavors are so good. My favorite is anything with a citrus flavor. But, hey, this post is supposed to be about the coffee, so let’s get back on track. They serve Reverie coffee here, but instead of giving you the baby cups they sell at Reverie, here you get a big ass cup, and you pay the same price (about four bucks). That’s for the large. I think it’s three something for the smaller size. A much better deal. Plus the donuts are amazing. Definitely go to the Donut Whole.
#2: Jump Start
This is a gas station chain that has recently started sprouting up in the Wichita area. I’ve mostly seen it in suburbs of Wichita (Haysville and Clearwater). But here, you can get a Reverie coffee in a large cup for a $1.09 (with tax!). The Reverie has some partnership with them. Reverie has set up these coffee machines in them that they call “Rev by Reverie.” The coffee isn’t as delicious as a traditionally brewed cup from any of the other shops on this list…but it’s still pretty good…and it’s a buck!
#3: Frost
This is an ice cream/dessert shop on Douglas. It’s right next to the Andy’s Frozen Custard (bastards came to College Hill to kill Frost…but they haven’t succeeded yet!). Much like Donut Whole you can get a large coffee cup of Reverie coffee for around $4.00. That’s how much you pay for a much smaller sized cup from Reverie itself.
#4: Any of the Hipster Restaurants in Town
Home Grown, Public at the Brickyard, etc. I really hate paying $4 for a tiny cup of good coffee (it’s only Reverie that I’ve seen do this), so I prefer getting their coffee almost anywhere else, lol, including any of the local hipster joints. Home Grown will even fill you up with some Reverie coffee to go, so, again, a much better deal than Reverie proper…and you’ll also get a delicious breakfast too!