Central Intelligence is a buddy comedy movie starring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Kevin Heart as the buddies.
Central Intelligence gets more of its DNA from The Other Guys than it does Lethal Weapon. The film is primarily a comedy, and uses the action as vehicle to come up with situations and opportunities for jokes. The problem is that very often these jokes are not that funny. I do applaud the film going in a different direction from most modern comedies. The Rock isn't simply playing his usual bad ass "The Rock" character, he has a little more depth than that, and is sexuality is a little more than questionable, which adds something to the mix. Kevin Heart however is pretty much just Kevin Heart, but that's not really a bad thing. He plays well of The Rock, and there are a few decent scenes between the two.
Over all, Central Intelligence is a comedy that never really makes it out of 2nd gear, but the two leads make it watchable.